Kerry ETB
Killorglin Community College


The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) was designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the Established Leaving Certificate. The programme was introduced in 1994 and it combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate with a new and dynamic focus on self–directed learning, innovation and enterprise.

The link modules

The link modules are activity-based and are timetabled for 3 class periods per week at Killorglin Community College. LCVP students' study seven Leaving Certificate subjects and the Link Modules.

Link Module 1 – Preparation for the World of Work

Students research and investigate local employment opportunities, develop job seeking skills such as CV presentation and interview techniques. They gain valuable experience of the world of work for one week during their work placement in fifth year. This helps them to prepare for the world of work and helps them to decide on their future careers.

Link Module 2 – Enterprise Education

Students get involved in organising visits to local business in the community enterprises such as FEXCO. Students meet and interview enterprising businesspeople on site and in the classroom. They plan and undertake business initiatives that develops their self-confidence, creativity, ICT, teamwork and communication skills.

Assessment and Examinations

The Leaving Certificate subjects are examined through the standard Leaving Certificate Examination. The link modules are assessed in a written examination representing 40% of the trial marks and a portfolio of coursework representing 60% of the total marks.


LCVP students receive the same certificate as other Leaving Certificate students but their certificate includes an additional statement of the results of the Link Modules.

Grades for the Link Modules are as Follows:

Distinction – 80% to 100%

Merit - 65% to 79%

Pass - 50% to 64%

Access to further study with the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

The programme gives students the same opportunity to proceed to universities and Institutes of Technology as the students sitting the Established Leaving Certificate.

Institutes of technology and universities recognise the link modules as follows:

Distinction: 66 points

Merit: 46 points

Pass: 28 points

Langford Street, Killorglin, Co. Kerry.
066 976 1168
© 2025 Killorglin Community College